Sway Enterprises is a private label and contract manufacturer of Herbal Skin Care products like Soaps, Lotions, Scrubs, Peel off mask etc and determined to give you everything that you have ever wanted in skin and body care. Whether you’re a startup or a multinational company we are here to help you build and grow your brand with us.

Our each ingredient is assessed for freshness, purity, quality and superior fragrance. Sway Enterprises has responds to the increased consumer demand for more natural products skin care products and is committed to keeping the latest research in skin care ingredients to offer our valued clients.

Our Organic/Herbal Skin Care Products have the following Herbs that make it different from others:

1- Black Seed

2- Moringa

3- Turmeric

4- Aleovera

5- Charcoal

6- Tea Tree

The mixture of these herbs with other natural ingredients like olive oil, jojoba oil, sheabutter etc outclass these products in the Skin care market.

We also make customized products with these herbs and ingredients.

Contact us at swayenterprisess@gmail.com and let us know your formulation, we will get back to you after discussing your formulation with our pharmacist.

It costs nothing to have a chat about your existing or new product range.


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